Website design and build
I worked on William Hill's The Jumps digital campaign for two consecutive years, constructing the visual build, improving the UX design and developing new display mechanics.
The campaign ran during the Grand National and encouraged users to visit William Hill branches to place bets on horses, which they could then track online using the The Jumps platform by entering the coupon number found on their in-store betting stubs.Every user who registered to The Jumps website was entered into a league that awarded points based on their real-life betting activity, leading to an overall prize winner.
Both years I was assigned to the project to design the front-end style and aesthetics of the website, as well as a code and design the 'How To' guide pages, the coupon entry mechanic, the leaderboard scoring page and various HTML email communications. I was also asked by the agency developing the website to put together the original concept artwork that secured the project with the client in the first place.