Andi Best Freelance Designer

Manage My Mags Logo Design

Freelance commission for Dennis Publishing
Client: Dennis Publishing

Client: Dennis Publishing Objective: Brand the Client's newly developed subscription management platform. Solution: Develop a logo for use on the platform and all customer correspondence.

Letterform device concept for Manage My Mags logo
Letterform device concept for Manage My Mags logo
Letterform device concept for Manage My Mags logo
Text and font concept for Manage My Mags logo
Text and font concept for Manage My Mags logo
Text and font concept for Manage My Mags logo
Logo design for Manage My Mags subscription platform

Logo design

Fuelled by concerns arising from user feedback Dennis Publishing sought to revaluate their online magazine subscriptions management platform. In addition to rebuilding the platform to improve its user experience, its title and branding also needed refreshing to alleviate confusion.

I was commissioned by the publisher to develop the new logo for the working title My Magazines, which later during the process became Manage My Mags.

Considering the breadth of aesthetic styles adopted by the titles published by Dennis I decided that the text portion of the logo should follow suit; simple, bold and legible. For that reason I turned my attention first to the logo device. I found the symmetry between the alliterated M character and the standardised 'shape' of a literary icon inescapable, so early devices were angled and tonal offering depth. Text developments used a more refined, app-like icon that granted more freedom to the letterforms - ultimately a firm, chunky typeface and running-together of words. Through Client assessment (and the aforementioned revision to the title) we arrived at a marriage between the two.