Andi Best Freelance Designer
Charity illustration

Boost your charity

Charities are doing more and more to attract online support and donations. Take a look at how digital marketing, a strong brand identity and a quality CRM system can help boost your charity.

  1. Digital Marketing

    How Digital Marketing can help your charity

    There are three simple steps I can help you take to drive new users to your website and convert them into donors...

    Step 1

    Create social impact

    For charities like Age UK and Asthma UK I created bespoke banner graphics to run across social networks both as posts and sponsored ads. By engaging with these posts users are taken to each charity's Weekly Lottery websites where they're encouraged to donate through the benefits of buying tickets.

    Both brand awareness and uplift in acquisition are high through marketing social networking channels if ads are designed correctly.
    I'm interested

    Social media advertisement
    Great for: Facebook Twitter Instagram
    Step 2

    Convert visitors into donors

    For charities like SASRA the key to converting visitors into donators is engagement. That's why I built them a dedicated microsite as part of their 100Days marketing campaign.

    Totally device-responsive, the website welcomes traffic from social networks and ads across the web and offers them an educational experience geared towards encouraging both donations and subscriptions, building up a dedicated audience.
    I'm interested

    Campaign microsite
    Step 3

    Keep them coming

    For charities like Age Co and Heart of England Forest regular email communication is critical for keeping their home-grown audiences not only up-to-date, but also returning for more donation action. For these charities I design and build e-newsletters, administrative comms and promotional marketing, which look and work perfectly in inboxes on desktop down to mobile. With tailor-made HTML email messaging you can ensure your donors and subscribers are offered the maximum opportunity to pledge their continued support to your cause.
    I'm interested

    Email marketing
    Great for: Mailchimp Adestra Message Focus
  2. Customer relationship management from Donorfy

    Use Donorfy to collect donations, setup memberships and more

    With your Donorfy CRM system integrated with your website supporters can donate to your cause to support one-off appeals or through regular Direct Debit commitment. As an official Donorfy partner I've built plenty of donation integrations for charitable organisations across the globe.

    Find out more about Donorfy
    Charity Toolkit

    Brand new Charity Toolkit features rolling out for 2024

    MuchLoved to Donorfy automation

    MuchLoved became the leading platform for donation and fundraising management of in-memoriam giving and your donors are right now using it to fund their tributes.

    Manually exporting and uploading data to Donorfy takes time away from your other tasks, which is why the Charity Toolkit programme has been expanded to automate the process for you. It works like this:

    • At set intervals all donation and tribute data is grabbed from MuchLoved
    • Using this Donorfy will identify known Donors and Tributees or will create new ones
    • Their donations are appended to their Timeline, with Gift-Aid-exempt data available for reporting
    • "Cover our costs" is supported as a separate allocation
    • Custom Activities are also appended on the Timeline to document the data transfer, including successes and failures.

    To find out more about pricing and availability, please complete the form at the base of this page

    I'm interested

    MuchLoved intergration
    Charity Toolkit

    Brand new Charity Toolkit features rolling out for 2023

    Access/Raising IT to Donorfy automation

    You've built your website with Raising IT (now renamed Access Charity Websites) and you're using Donorfy as your CRM platform - how can you link the two?

    Until now your only option was to manually export and upload data between them, but via the Charity Toolkit programme you can connect both systems to automatically send data from Raising IT over to Donorfy. It works like this:

    • At set intervals all donation and appeal data is grabbed from Raising IT
    • Using this Donorfy will identify a known Constituent or will create a new one
    • The donor's Gift Aid declaration is added if applicable, and their communication preferences are set up accordingly
    • The donation is appended to their Timeline, assigned to the necessary Campaign and with Comments available for List reporting.
    • "Cover our costs" is supported as a separate allocation
    • You'll also get a custom Activity on the Timeline that documents the data transfer, including successes and fails.

    To find out more about pricing and availability, please complete the form at the base of this page

    I'm interested

    Raising IT intergration
    Donorfy donation integrations

    Choose from the following options for integrating a Donorfy payment experience into your website:


    The Standard integration starts with the out-of-the-box Donorfy code and reconfigures it to not only look great, but also offer users a more intuitive experience.

    Alexandra Rose Charity

    More details...
    • Receive regular and one-off donations via Stripe, GoCardless, PayPal, plus Google and Apple Pay where available.
    • Set fixed donation amounts, let donors specify custom donation amounts, or both
    • Bespoke design
    • Process Gift Aid
    • GDPR compliant
    • Secure connection
      SSL encrypted site required
    I'm interested


    The Advanced integration includes all of the Standard tier features with a few more flexible data capture methods included. (Most charities tend to choose this option).

    RMS School for girls

    More details...
    • Receive regular and one-off donations via Stripe, GoCardless, PayPal, plus Google and Apple Pay where available.
    • Set fixed donation amounts, let donors specify custom donation amounts, or both
    • Capture and validate custom data
    • Supports multiple appeals/campaigns and giving contexts
    • Advanced form layout/design
    • Process Gift Aid
    • GDPR compliant
    • Bespoke design
    • Secure connection
      SSL encrypted site required
    I'm interested


    The Custom integration is exactly that - tailor-made to your needs. From product pages to bespoke funnels, the final result is totally unique.


    More details...
    • Receive regular and one-off donations via Stripe, GoCardless, PayPal, plus Google and Apple Pay where available.
    • Set fixed donation amounts, let donors specify custom donation amounts, or both
    • Collect donations for multiple products or as multiple membership packages
    • Capture and validate custom data
    • Customisable appeals/campaigns and giving contexts
    • Supports additional user-journey processes (such as API directives)
    • Advanced form layout/design
    • Process Gift Aid
    • GDPR compliant
    • Secure connection
      SSL encrypted site required
    I'm interested
    Great for: Wordpress Square Space CMS Made Simple
    A surcharge is applied where bespoke coding/development is required to resolve conflicts where CMS systems prevent a Donorfy integration from opertaing at full capacity.

    Charities already benefiting from my Donorfy integrations

  3. Branding and identity

    Strenghen your image. Find your voice. Attract new donors.

    Crafting a brand identity that resonates with donators is crucial. From your logo to your tone of voice - every public-facing component of your organisation needs to be carefully considered to strike appeal.

    Illustrated marketing

    Get emotive with bespoke artwork

    For charities like Age UK and CICRA, illustrated elements are a prevelent factor on their websites and in marketing material, as they play a significant role in defining the brand image.

    I've invested considerable time working with these charities to create original illustrated assets that convey the desired sense of upbeat, positive, excitement, thereby attracting new audiences.
    I'm interested

    Illustrated branding
Andi Best Freelance Designer
Andi Best

If your charitable organisation would like to learn more about digital design and marketing opportunities available through this service, please complete the form on the right and I'll be in touch to discuss your needs.

Your name:

Your charity:

Email address:
Contact number:
Your message:


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Andi Best - London Freelance Illustrator, graphic designer and artist.
All rights reserved. All imagery and content of this portfolio website is protected by copyright. 2025 ©

Andi Best Illustration & Design is a trading name of Best Freelance Design Ltd. Company registration number: 09763373